Why Dieting Doesn’t Work

Do you feel like you’re losing your battle with the bulge? Many people try every new fad diet that comes along, yet still aren’t able to reach or maintain a healthy weight. If this sounds a little too familiar, it might be time for you to embrace a different approach. 

You want to be successful at losing weight and keeping it off for good, but studies have shown time and time again that diets don’t work. Fortunately, you can reach and maintain a healthy weight long term without falling into the fad diet trap.

Let’s discuss why dieting doesn’t work. 

  • The mindset of a “diet” is temporary. When you feel like you’re on a diet, you start to think of it as a temporary program. When the diet ends, you’re likely to go back to old eating habits, and your former (higher) weight.
  • Each diet gets harder. Every time you diet, your hormones can change. The balance may shift to increase hunger hormones and decrease satiety hormones. That makes it harder to eat less and lose weight.
  • Metabolism slows down. When you cut calories dramatically, metabolism slows, which makes it harder to lose weight. Also, yo-yo dieting can lead to increased body fat and decreased muscle mass. The result is slower metabolism.
  • It’s hard to stick to them. Many diets don’t allow for special events, such as a party or trip to a restaurant. Or they may not leave room for treats to satisfy your cravings. If you are always feeling deprived, you’re likely to go off your diet at some point, and the pounds are likely to come back on.
  • Diets can be exhausting. You may always be thinking about your diet or planning your next meal. If you have special foods, you might be trying to obtain them or spending a lot of time cooking or preparing them. 

  • Now, let’s discuss some small, maintainable changes you can make throughout the day that will help you reach your weight goals, and be successful long term. No fad diet needed, just tips to set yourself up for success.

  • Swap, don’t eliminate. You may be setting yourself up for long-term failure if you try to eliminate favorite foods. Instead, try swapping them for foods that are lower in calories, higher in protein, and/or lower in carbohydrates. These are some examples:
  • Use Mama Lupes’s Zero Carb Tortillas instead of regular flour tortillas to lower your carb intake
  • Use Sugar Free Jam or Syrup at breakfast instead of a full sugar variety.
  • Make dinner with Protein Pasta or Shirataki Noodles instead of high-carb regular pasta.
  • Depriving yourself or removing entire food groups from your diet isn’t sustainable long-term. Instead of eliminating, swap them out. You will find a substitute that works for you!

  • Eat more protein. We’re not talking about doing an all protein and no carbs diet. Just eat more protein in general, because it helps increase satiety so you’re not as hungry for the next meal. Try to have some at every meal and snack to feel full longer and be less likely to impulse eat something you normally wouldn’t reach for later on. Netrition has a variety of protein-added foods that are traditionally high in sugar or starch. Some examples:
    • Start your day with protein cereal, or pancake mIx instead of regular breakfast fare. 
    • Add protein to lunch with a protein bread or flatbread for a sandwich or wrap instead of regular bread or a tortilla.
    • Add extra protein with unflavored protein powder sprinkled onto or mixed into your meals.
  • Be prepared to snack smartly. You may have trouble getting to your weight loss goals with fatty or carb-laden snacks such as potato chips, cheese puffs, and cookies. But you might not be able to give them up for long if you love them! You do not have to go on a snack-free diet. Just be prepared to snack smartly—buy healthy & delicious options and have them on hand so you’re not as tempted by the candy in the gas station. Some delicious, snack-worthy options we carry at Netrition:
  • Plan for sensible indulgences. Everyone needs treats or a chance to satisfy cravings. Netrition has plenty of choices for every craving. These are just a few examples.
  • Sleep more. Getting enough sleep is likely a magic trick when it comes to weight loss. Getting adequate sleep lets you make better choices because your brain isn’t foggy. Adequate sleep helps decrease levels of a hunger hormone called ghrelin. On the other hand, sleep deprivation increases cravings for high-calorie foods, especially sweet and salty high-carb foods. Sleep deprivation also interferes with blood sugar control, which means you can experience wilder swings and more hunger.

  • These tips can help with healthy sleep:

    • Set aside enough time each night to get adequate rest.
    • Have a consistent bedtime, and follow a consistent and relaxing bedtime routine.
    • Keep your room cool and dark at night.
    • Don’t eat too much or too close to bedtime.
    • Avoid caffeine and alcohol later in the day.

    Netrition has a variety of Sleep Aids that are designed to promote normal sleep.* Some have melatonin, which is a natural sleep hormone. Some include herbal ingredients, such as valerian root extract, or L-tryptophan, which is used for a neurotransmitter. Netrition has capsules and even tea for aiding sleep.

    Netrition is your source for food, snacks, and other products to help you reach your weight loss and health goals without feeling like you’re dieting. Browse the virtual aisles to see what looks good to you.

    *The Food and Drug Administration has not evaluated these statements. Netrition products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Anyone with a medical condition should seek the advice of a licensed medical practitioner. Individual results may vary.

    Diet and weightlossHealth and nutrition