Most Common Vitamin Deficiencies in the US

Most people know that there is an obesity epidemic, but did you know that nutrient deficiencies are common in the US, too? It is true! In the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) report on nutrient deficiencies in the US population, it is obvious that vitamins and minerals are often deficient among Americans. 

B vitamins, iron, and vitamin D are among the most common deficiencies, and those are not the only micronutrients of concern. Are you at risk for deficiency? Ask your doctor if you have concerns, and check whether taking vitamins may be a good idea for you and your health. Netrition has a wide range of vitamin and mineral supplements to help you meet your health and weight loss goals.* 


Iron is the most commonly deficient mineral in the world, and it’s not a problem just in developing countries. It’s also an issue among women in the US, affecting nearly 10% of women of child-bearing age.* Bariatric surgery patients and athletes are also at higher risk.

You need iron to form the oxygen-carrying protein in red blood cells known as hemoglobin. Without enough, you can get iron-deficiency anemia with signs such as fatigue, weakness, more infections, and shortness of breath.

Iron is in foods such as meat, poultry, egg yolks, seafood, potatoes, and leafy green vegetables, and legumes. Animal-based sources of iron are generally better. You may be at higher risk for deficiency if you follow a plant-based diet. 

It’s easy to check iron levels with some blood tests. You don’t have to fast beforehand. Dietary iron is rarely enough to overcome a deficiency, so your doctor may suggest supplements. Iron supplements from Netrition come in forms such as pills and liquids, and in different quantities. 

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is another commonly deficient vitamin, with about 1 in 12 Americans deficient. It is important for bone health as well as for heart, immune, and breast health.* Some people can make adequate amounts from sun exposure, and food sources include fatty fish and fortified milk.

You are unlikely to notice signs of deficiency, so it’s important to get checked out if you think you may be deficient. That way, you can treat it before developing possible related conditions such as heart disease, cognitive dysfunction, or bone problems, or autoimmune conditions.

Vitamin D deficiency is easy to diagnose with a simple blood test. If you are deficient, vitamin D supplements may be helpful. They come in soft gels, patches, and other forms. They often come with calcium as a way to support bone health.* Netrition also has vitamin D and calcium soft chews in various sugar-free flavors to make taking your vitamin D as easy as eating candy.

B Vitamins

There are a range of B vitamins. Functions include maintaining normal metabolism, getting energy from protein, fat, and carbohydrates, supporting heart health, and producing normal red blood cells.* 

The food sources of B vitamins are as varied as the vitamins themselves. Nuts, whole grains, vegetables, bananas, beans, meat, and shellfish are a few sources. If your diet is not varied on a daily basis, it is possible you could be low in one or more B vitamins. Certain risk factors, such as older age or being pregnant, can also increase risk. Bariatric surgery patients are at high risk as well for a deficiency of one or more B vitamins.

There are many supplements that address B vitamin status. Some include a wide variety of B vitamins, while others may be more targeted. For example, vitamin B12 supplements, whether sublingual, patch, or capsule, are common. Biotin is another B vitamin that some people like to focus on. 

Check out the selection at Netrition and ask your doctor for help choosing your supplement. We have capsules, patches, sublingual tablets, and chewables of all types.

Vitamin C

You may not have a severe deficiency like scurvy, but some people in the US can do with more vitamin C. A deficiency increases the risk for infections, as well as for cracked or bleeding lips. You also need vitamin C for collagen formation for healthy skin and joints.*

Vitamin C is in fresh fruits and vegetables, such as leafy greens, onions, cauliflower, bell peppers, tomatoes, cantaloupe, oranges, and kiwi fruit. It is an antioxidant vitamin that supports normal immune function and helps with iron absorption. 

Netrition has a wide variety of supplements with vitamin C. Sometimes, vitamin C comes with iron supplements. It is also common in antioxidant blends and in immune boosters, often with zinc.

What About Other Vitamin Deficiencies?

It’s important to consider individual factors when thinking about other vitamin deficiencies. Even if a specific vitamin or mineral isn’t commonly deficient overall in the US, it’s possible that individuals can have deficiencies under special circumstances. 

For example, bariatric surgery patients are often low in vitamin A, even though it is not a commonly deficient vitamin in the US. Similarly, pregnant women can be low in folic acid, although that is another less commonly deficient vitamin. People who do not eat much table salt are often low in iodine.

Power of a Daily Multivitamin and Mineral Supplement*

A daily multivitamin and mineral supplement can be like an insurance policy against deficiency. It is by no means guaranteed to prevent deficiency, but it can be a source of nutrients even on days when you don’t get all of them from your diet.

Vitamins and minerals are essential for optimal health, so it is critical to make sure you get enough. A good start is to be aware of the most common vitamin and mineral deficiencies in the US, as well as to think about any individual risk factors you may have. Ask your doctor for help assessing your risks and nutritional status, and be sure to check with your doctor before starting any nutritional supplements. Netrition can be your source for top-quality vitamins in patches, chewables, capsules, and other forms.

*The Food and Drug Administration has not evaluated these statements. Netrition products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Anyone with a medical condition should seek the advice of a licensed medical practitioner. Individual results may vary.

Health and nutritionVitamin deficiency