Reignite Your Weight Loss Journey: 10 Tips to Regain Momentum

Many people set weight loss goals at the start of the new year, but their dedication and resolve can wane after just a few months. Long-lasting weight loss requires significant lifestyle changes and can be hampered by hormone changes. If you feel your weight loss has slowed or your weight is creeping up, try these ten tips to get back on track:

  1. Don't skip meals. Eating at regular intervals will help manage hunger cues and prevent overeating due to excessive hunger.
  2. Maintain proper protein intake. Aim for 60 to 80 grams of protein per day from food sources, such as whole grains, low-fat dairy, fruit and legumes. Consuming protein shakes may not be needed if you can meet your protein needs from food.
  3. Meet carbohydrate needs with whole grains and starches. Good carbohydrate sources include quinoa, bulgur, whole-grain bread, and legumes.
  4. Limit sweetened beverages. Keep your sweetened beverage consumption in check and eat your calories instead of drinking them to help you feel full longer. If you need something sweet, choose a protein shake, high-protein cookie or protein bar that adds nutrition and satisfies your taste buds.
  5. Remember guidelines if you've had bariatric surgery. Eat slowly, and take small bites, and chew thoroughly. Don't drink within 30 minutes of a meal. If you're not sure about the basic guidelines for eating after bariatric surgery, consult with your doctor or healthcare provider.
  6. Make exercise part of your daily routine. Regular physical activity is important for both weight loss and weight maintenance. The recommendation for weight maintenance is a minimum of 150 minutes of moderate physical activity per week.
  7. Set SMART goals for yourself. Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Timely goals work best. Instead of saying "I will exercise more," say "I will work up to 15 minutes of strengthening exercises using an exercise band every other day by Feb. 1."
  8. Enjoy a variety of foods. Make decisions that honor your taste and provide great nutritional value. It's okay to enjoy foods that taste sweet. For example, choose a chocolate mint protein shake, high-protein cookie or protein bar, which allows you a sweet treat and adds protein to your diet.
  9. Remember that one meal or one day will not make or break your diet. Consistency over time is what really counts.
  10. Weigh yourself once a week or less. Realistic weight loss takes time, so don't expect more than ¼ to 1 pound of weight loss per week if you've had bariatric surgery.

Incorporating these ten practical tips into your weight loss journey can help you reignite your motivation and regain momentum. Remember, sustainable weight loss requires long-term lifestyle changes and patience. By following these strategies and staying committed to your goals, you can overcome obstacles and achieve the healthy lifestyle you desire. With the right mindset and perseverance, you can make lasting changes and enjoy the benefits of improved well-being. So, don't give up, stay determined, and embrace the journey ahead!

Diet and weight loss