Please do not order items that are illegal to import into your country. We try to make your transaction as easy as possible by providing any information we can gather; however laws are different in every Country and do change from time to time, so it is near impossible to keep up with them all. Netrition will not be held responsible if your package does not clear Customs.

If your package is seized by Customs for any reason and we do not receive the package back, we will not issue you a refund. If we do receive the package back after being seized and are in perfect condition and the products are not expired, we will credit you the product cost, but you are still responsible for the original and the return shipping charges.

Specific Items / Ingredients Prohibited To Import:

  • Any products containing hormones (I.E. DHEA and melatonin)
  • Some pre-workout formulas, such as USP Labs Jack3d, require special paperwork to clear customs

    Taxes and Tariffs:

    Any orders exceeding US$75 (including shipping charges) will be charged taxes or tariffs.

    Customs brokerage fees, taxes, or tariffs are NOT included in your shipping cost. These additional charges are your responsibility upon delivery.

    The following websites may also be helpful to you:

    Israel Customs and VAT


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